Wednesday, October 29, 2014


I wanted to make a quick post just to get everyone up to speed on stuff going forward (hopefully.)

First, if you follow me on Facebook, I've mentioned technical issues that have impeded my ability to do certain things for this blog. Unfortunately, that all still stands, but I'm trying to adjust and work around it in the meantime.

Second, last August, I said I would be spending that month reviewing Franz Ferdinand's catalog leading up to the release of Right Thoughts Right Words Right Action. Obviously, that didn't happen, but I still really love the idea of having that as this blog's true starting point. So that is what will be happening next month! It will certainly be a thing.

Third, I'm hoping to get weekly updates rolling along. The weekly deadline applies to all of my blog projects, not just this one. Now that doesn't mean every blog gets a weekly update (I'd probably go batty), rather that you can expect some form of post from me each week. It will change up depending on what I'm focussing on at the time, so sometimes the updates will be here, other times Cover to Cover or Working Macca. I doubt I'll crosspost links among all the blogs, but everything will be updated on Facebook and Twitter.

I think that's all for now. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, by all means, share them (here or wherever you're comfortable) and I will reply as soon as I can.