Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Building the Buffer

Okay, time to knock some of my rust and dust off with a quick list post. 

1. I apologize for being silent over here recently. I’d rather not go into the reasons or make any excuses, because that won’t help anything. I just want to get back on track and move forward. While I prefer to post essays upon completion, I’m going to take some time to work on a bunch of posts, so that I’ll have a buffer and hopefully avoid another false start.

2. Like last February, I am once again participating in the Music Writers Exercise hashtag (#MWE) on Twitter, which so far has helped jumpstart my daily tweets that have been quite sporadic the last few months. 

3. As always, if you’d suggest an album, feel free to do so with a comment or tweet. Only two rules: no McCartney and no Bowie. For… reasons. 

4. In case you didn’t know, V&B also has a Tumblr now! It’s kind of an extension of my Twitter. I have some plans and ideas for Tumblr-only content that should be cool and I’m very excited about.

Stay tuned!