Wednesday, July 29, 2015

"The Monkees" Rewatch: Monkees in a Ghost Town

“Monkees in a Ghost Town” starts off with the band travelling to an “out of town” job, but a missed left turn causes them to drive until they run out of gas in a ghost town. However, it isn’t completely deserted as a pair of robbers is using the buildings to hide out while they wait for their boss, the Big Man, to arrive. The crooks decide to leave it up to the boss what will happen to the boys and toss them in a cell during the wait. After some “fun on the desert,” escape attempts, and baseball, the Big Man finally shows up and orders the boys to be taken out, but becomes (slightly) sympathetic upon hearing they’re a band due to her show business past. They ask her to perform one last number with them to buy time until they can find a way to get help.

I think this episode is just great. If I ranked the whole show this one would probably end up in the top ten or fifteen. I love the writing of this one. It has some of my favorite lines in the series, such as this exchange:

Peter: Cross at the green, not in between.
Davy: He’s been out in the sun too long.
Micky: He was no bargain in the shade.


Micky: Don’t trust the cavalry.

Another great aspect of “Ghost Town” is its guest stars, Rose Marie, Lon Chaney, Jr., and Len Lesser. Lesser and Chaney play crooks George and Lenny, respectively, and yes, it is a pretty obvious Of Mice and Men riff, though nowhere near as depressing. I know the book’s something of a classic, but I don’t get why that duo became a trope, of sorts, especially among comedies, The Monkees included. One could even argue that Horace and George from “Your Friendly Neighborhood Kidnappers” count as such a riff. (A little bit, at least.) Like I said, maybe I was just too scarred by the book, but yeah, it baffles me. Still, this episode’s Lenny is about as adorable and lovable as you’d expect and luckily doesn’t die horribly.
Told you I have scars. Anyway…

Of course Rose Marie as the Big Man is hilarious and while I like this episode I think her second guest appearance later on in the season is a better performance. My main exposure to her came from watching The Dick Van Dyke Show as a kid, so it was a bit weird initially to see her in something else and in color to boot.

“Ghost Town” also has two fantastic romps for “Papa Gene’s Blue” and “Tomorrow’s Gonna Be Another Day.” When I first got into the Monkees the song I considered my favorite for the longest time was “Papa Gene’s Blues,” so admittedly, I’m biased toward any romp that uses it. Even so, I do think the concept of baseball in a jail cell while they dig holes to escape is cute.

I’ve never given much thought to “Tomorrow’s Gonna Be Another Day” as a song, honestly, so it’s a bit weird that some of my favorite romps feature it. This episode is no exception. In fact, it might be my favorite romp of the first season, if not the whole series. I’d try to intellectualize it, but why do that when I can I simply show it in all its goofy glory?

Pretty much everything about this episode is on point, except for one nagging question: How’d they leave at the end if the Monkeemobile was out of gas all along?

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