Friday, August 9, 2013

Thoughts, Words, Action (Right)

I haven't been able to give this blog the attention I've truly wanted to so far this summer. There are many reasons for that, but they are mostly irrelevant. I should have made more effort. No excuses this time.

To make up for lost time, I am introducing a series, of sorts, that (within reason) will become a regular occurrence here. For the remainder of this month, I will be posting parts of an artist retrospective.

What does that involve, exactly? Well, each Friday I will be posting a review of an album until I make my way through the entire discography of an artist in release order.

So, who am I starting with? The inspiration for artist retrospectives came from the fact that I am really excited for the release of Franz Ferdinand's Right Thoughts, Right Words, Right Action on August 26th/27th. Anyone who knows me knows that I absolutely adore this band and since I will be spending much of the next few weeks buried in their past work, I figured I should put it to good use.

Here's to a month of memories, gushing, and slacken ties.

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