Friday, June 15, 2018

It's been a while

So I'm not sure how to start this post, except to say that I'm sorry for basically falling off the face of the earth these last few months. Well, beyond the occasional Tumblr update. I really don't know where the time went. I've been in such a funk recently, to say the least, and it just sucks. But I'm hoping that doing this quick post will help me to get the ball rolling, something something object in motion yadda yadda. 

If nothing else, I desperately need to get the Monkees Rewatch post for "Everywhere a Sheik, Sheik" done and over with, so I can move on to episodes that don't pain me to write about. Oy. Maybe once I rip that band-aid off the rest will follow suit. 

Here's hoping. 

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