Friday, April 24, 2015

Daily Album Requests

I was thinking of ways to open up the channels of communication with you all and not have everything always be what I choose to yammer about. So. As you may know, each day I listen to an album I’ve never listened to before and tweet my reaction/review. Then every two weeks I collect the tweets and expand on them here.

Now, I have a couple of pools that I pull from when choosing each day and started a vague schedule to go correspond with those pools. I wanted to add another pool and have it be made up of suggestions from you, readers. If there’s an album you’d like me to take a look at leave a comment on this post, tweet me, message/post on Facebook, wherever you’re most comfortable.

The only restriction: No Paul McCartney. I want to keep his non-RS500 work to Working Macca. I’ve crossed the project streams a little already with a couple of the Rolling Stone 500 albums cropping up in this daily album thing, which is fine by me. I know drawing the line at Paul probably seems rather arbitrary, but I use the daily album to expand myself and my knowledge. I figure my adventures in rounding out my Macca knowledge can run concurrently with my expansion of everything else. HOWEVER! If there’s a McCartney record you’d like me to work on faster, by all means let me know.

See ya Sunday. 

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