Monday, May 27, 2013

The Epic and the Lackluster: "Fallen Empires" by Snow Patrol (Cover to Cover)

Reviewing a Snow Patrol album is an awkward position to be in, because it seems like many people have long ago made up their minds about the band; either viewing the band’s singer/songwriter Gary Lightbody as a poet of his generation or seeing the band as a lesser version of Coldplay. The band’s latest album, Fallen Empires, shows that both camps are certainly justified in their thinking.

The album features quite a few guest appearances, such as Michael Stipe and Queen of the Stone Age’s Tony Van Leeuwen. However, the two most notable appearances come from the LA Inner City Mass Gospel Choir and folk singer Lissie. Both feature on multiple tracks and add a level of emotion and intensity that might be lost otherwise. This is particularly true of Lissie who essentially saves the tracks “The Garden Rules” and “Those Decent Bells” with her somewhat haunting voice that is often reminiscent of Stevie Nicks.

While the songs are all very beautiful and well-constructed, some suffer from flaws that have plagued the band for most of their career. The biggest flaw being a tendency to lean on one-line choruses that repeat far too much, such as in “The Garden Rules,” “The Weight of Love,” and “Life-ning.” It’s a shame, because it bogs down songs that are otherwise beautiful and sweet.

Though the album has its flaws there are also many moments of sheer brilliance. One such moment is the album’s third single, “New York,” which some might compare to the band’s well-known ballads “Run” and “Chasing Cars.” The swell of the chorus is epic and timeless, the lyrics heartfelt and genuine (“I miss it all from the love to the lightening / And the lack of it snaps me in two”), and there’s no other way to describe the overall effect other than that it twists your guts.

Another highlight on the album is the title track, “Fallen Empires,” which harkens back to the more “obscure” and “alternative” of their catalog, such as “Last Ever Lone Gunman.” The best way to describe this track would be: if flames could make music, this is what they would sound like. The bass line grabs you, the drums are tribal, the vocals hypnotizing and sinister, and the whole thing just commands you to move. If this song isn’t released as a single sooner or later that would be an absolute crime*. In fact, for any and all flaws the album may have, it is worth a listen simply for this track alone. Fallen Empires may not mark a big or lasting change in sound for Snow Patrol or change how some view them, but it is a beautiful and worthwhile album.

*Incidentally, it never was a single and yes, I do think that was a huge mistake.

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