Tuesday, October 31, 2017

"The Monkees" Rewatch: Monkees In Manhattan (Monkees, Manhattan Style)

"Monkees In Manhattan” begins as the band arrives at an NYC hotel in order to meet with McKinley Baker, an unknown Broadway producer who wants the band to star in his new musical. They spent all their money on the bus trip, so Baker offers to let them stay in his suite until he receives money from his financial backer. The boys accept, but soon the hotel manager, Mr. Weatherwax, threatens to throw Baker out for lack of payment. The manager refuses Baker’s promise for payment once he meets with his backer and gives them an hour to leave, so the boys must stall for the three hours until Baker’s backer meeting. Unfortunately, once the backer backs out, the boys then have to find a new one to save the show and find a way to pay the hotel.

Oh, boy, what a load of nothing. I don’t even know what to say here, because this does feel like mostly filler. Even the romps are kinda boring and contain mostly clips from other, better episodes. And yeah, it’s not rare for the show to recycle, but in this case, it’s difficult to ignore when the results don’t amount to much and the rest of the story doesn’t amount to much either. Like the plot itself, the show is just stretching for time until something better comes along.

The only redeemable and not recycled (and not rabbit related) aspect of “Manhattan” is the interview section at the end. All of the clips are endearing in their own ways, but the most adorable is likely the one that shows Davy and Peter goofing around with their makeup artist, Keeva, But y’know what? Here, just watch it: 

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